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Verein zur Förderung des
Schach- und Tennissports



Viennese Championship U8-U14 2024!!

On 06.10.2024 the Wiener Blitzschach-Landesmeisterschaft 2024 for U8-U14 (born 2010 and later) takes place.

On 20.10.2024 the Wiener Schnellschach-Landesmeisterschaft 2024 for U8-U14 (born 2010 and later) takes place.

On 27.10.2024 the Qualifikationsturnier für die Wiener Landesmeisterschaft 2025 for U8-U14 (born 2011 and later) takes place.**

**You can also qualify by participating in Blitzschach- or Schnellschach-Landesmeisterschaft for the Wiener Landesmeisterschaft 2025.
The best 5 players of each category are qualified for participating in Wiener LM 2025.

Who can play Wiener Landesmeisterschaft:

- Players with an ELO-rating of age times 100 oder with a rating of ELO 1400+ (pre-qualified)
- Players who qualified in one of the tournaments mentioned above (best 5 of each category)
- Players who were recommended by an instructor due to experience in tournaments (i.e. participation in Activity-Cups similar tournaments)

Venue: Wiener Schachverband / Haus des Schachsports,
             1020 Wien, Spielmannplatz 1 ---> MAP


Blitz U8-U14

Rapid U8-U14

Quali U8-U14

Start 06.10.2024 /14:00
Show up by 30 Minutes prior to start
20.10.2024/ 14:00
Show up by 30 Minutes prior to start
27.10.2024 /14:00
Show up by 30 Minutes prior to start
Files (folgen noch) Turnierfile Blitz U08-U14 Turnierfile Rapid U08-U14 Turnierfile Quali U08-U14
Mode 7 Rounds CH-System 7 Rounds CH-System 7 Rounds CH-System
Time 8 Minutes + 3 Sec./move
per player for the game
12 Minutes + 3 Sec./move
per player for the game

12 Minutes + 3 Sec./move
per player for the game

ELO-rating AUT-Rapid rating AUT-Rapid rating AUT-Rapid rating
entry fee (if registration in time) EUR 25 (by 03.10.24) EUR 25 (by 16.10.24) EUR 25 (by 23.10.24)
entry fee (delayed registration) after 03.10.2023: EUR 30 after 16.10.2024: EUR 30 after 23.10.2023: EUR 30
Catering none none none
Preise/Quali Trophies, certificates
Best 5 players are qualified
for LM 2025
Trophies, certificates
Best 5 players are qualified
for LM 2025
Trophies, certificates
Best 5 players are qualified
for LM 2025
End/Award 06.10.2024 / approx. 7 p.m. 20.10.2024 / approx. 7 p.m. 20.10.2024 / approx. 7 p.m.
If you already have an account you can login here.

Autumn Tournaments in Vienna
Do you agree that your data will be saved with us? * YES, I agree NO, I disagree (then your registration is not valid!)
I register for Rapid-LM on 20.10.2024
I register for Qualification Tournament on 27.10.2024
Mr./Ms. *
Prename *
Surname *
Email *
Date of Birth *
chess-results-ID if handy
attended school (optional)
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