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Verein zur Förderung des
Schach- und Tennissports





No restrictions at the moment.

Below you can see the rules of last year. If numbers of cases increase they could be relevant again.

CORONA-RULES FOR CAMPS - as of 01.07.2021 - Law of Vienna, issued 30.06.21

If you participate in an Activity-Camp or in the Activity-Cup-chess tournament please the following points:

  1. In Vienna the corona-rules are more restrictive than in the rest of Austria.
  2. The "3G-Rule" concerns children ageds 6 years or over (and not 12 years or over as in the rest of Austria) and means children have to be: "Geimpft" (VACCINATED) , "Genesen" (REVOVERED), "Getestet" (TESTED)

VACCINATED: valid 90 days as of day #22 after primary vaccination or 270 days after secondary vaccination.

RECOVERED: Recovery Certificate is valid 180 days after issuing date

TESTED: PCR-Tests are valid for 72 hours after time of testing, Antigen-Tests are valid 48 hours after time of testing.

This means, if you participate in a camp, you need either a valid Certificate of Vacciantion oder Recovery or you present a Test Certificate, valid until the end of a camp day, to participate in the camp for this day. Here is an example for a camp starting Monday:

the test for the first camp day (MO) should be done not before Friday 4 p.m (PCR-Test) or Saturday 4 p.m. (Antigen-Test). Please consider waiting time for the issuance of PCR-test certificates, it could last a full day!  If you go for a PCR-test on Sunday you might have no result on early Monday when the camp starts!

The Antigen-Test for Monday should be done earliest on Saturday 4 p.m. The advantage of antigen-tests: issuance of certificate is normally short-term, therefore it is available soon after testing. Here is a time table for visitors of a camp starting Monday:

Antigen-Test-time table: 3 times testing per Activity-Camp week!

choose either testing time 1 or 2:

testing time 1
Saturday 4 p.m. to
Sunday 3:59 p.m.
testing time 2
Sunday 4 p.m. to
Monday 9 a.m.
valid until Camp day MONDAY valid until Camp day TUESDAY
further testing Monday 4 p.m. - Tuesday 9 a.m., valid until
further testing Tuesday 4 p.m. - Wednesday 9 a.m., valid until Camp day THURSDAY
further testing Wednesday 4 p.m. - Thursday 9 a.m. valid until Camp day FRIDAY further testing Thursday 4 p.m. - Friday 9 a.m. valid until
Camp day FRIDAY

You must not participate in a camp if you have no valid certificate of Vaccination, Recovery or Testing!

These stricter rules issued by the mayor of Vienna are in effect until 31.08.2021 and are subject to change without notice or very short term - please keep an eye on the development of corona rules.

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